ATTENTION - CHANGE to THS Volleyball schedule: the THS junior varsity volleyball team will travel Thursday, Aug. 19 to Hillcrest-Tuscaloosa to play Hillcrest and American Christian Academy (ACA). First match begins at 4 p.m. ALSO - the Varsity team will travel to the ACA in Tuscaloosa to play ACA and Hillcrest-Tuscaloosa. First match begins at 5 p.m.
over 3 years ago, Barry Hendrix
The official Thomasville Elementary School T-shirt for 2021-2022 is on sale in the TES Main Office. The shirt is grey with maroon design. Regular and Dri-fit is $14.
over 3 years ago, Barry Hendrix
TES T-shirt design 2021-2022
TES students can wear Spirit Shirts and jeans on Friday, Aug. 13.
over 3 years ago, Barry Hendrix
THS students: there is a $2 dress out on Friday, Aug. 13, where students can wear jeans. However, no holes in jeans.
over 3 years ago, Barry Hendrix
ATTENTION - IMPORTANT CHANGE for car pickup at Thomasville Elementary School. Change begins on Friday, Aug. 13. Do not lineup for afternoon dismissal before 2:15 p.m., beginning Aug. 13.
over 3 years ago, Barry Hendrix
TES afternoon dismissal flyer 8-12-2021
A Thomasville Elementary School PTO meeting will be held at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 14 in the school cafeteria.
over 3 years ago, Barry Hendrix
School pictures are scheduled for: THS - Wednesday, Aug. 25; TMS - Thursday, Aug. 26; and TES - Friday, Aug. 27.
over 3 years ago, Barry Hendrix
Important Title 1 parent meeting at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 26 in the TES cafeteria.
over 3 years ago, Barry Hendrix
TMS PTSO meeting at 4:45 p.m. on Aug. 19 in the school cafeteria. Title 1 meeting follows.
over 3 years ago, Barry Hendrix
TMS PTSO flyer 8-11-2021
Job opening for Remediation/Intervention Teacher at Thomasville High School (9-12), any certification. Application deadline: until filled.
over 3 years ago, Barry Hendrix
Job opening for Part-Time Child Nutrition Program Assistant (four hours-per-day) at Thomasville Elementary School. Application deadline: until filled.
over 3 years ago, Barry Hendrix
Attention THS Juniors and Seniors: if you are interested in becoming a Thomasville Chamber of Commerce Ambassador, get an application from the front office. If you have questions, see Mrs. Coopwood in the ACCESS lab in the A building. Applications are due Friday, Aug. 19.
over 3 years ago, Barry Hendrix
If you wish to run for a THS class officer position, sign up outside Mrs. Sparks' door by Wednesday, Aug. 25.
over 3 years ago, Barry Hendrix
THS Senior Portraits will be made Saturday, Aug. 28. You must sign up for a time outside Mrs. Sparks' door. See Mrs. Sparks if you have any questions.
over 3 years ago, Barry Hendrix
Thomasville Elementary School will use all three lanes for our car riders, beginning Wednesday, Aug. 11. This change is due to the increase in the total number of K-4 students at TES this year. Thanks for your patience as we work through our traffic issues.
over 3 years ago, Barry Hendrix
Job opening for TES Pre-K Auxiliary Teacher (Instructional Aide). Application deadline: until filled.
over 3 years ago, Barry Hendrix
Candy Thompson, head school nurse for the Thomasville City Schools District, held a CPR recertification class Aug. 9 for school system faculty, staff and coaches in the Thomasville High School cafeteria. Thanks to Matthew Parkin for the photos.
over 3 years ago, Barry Hendrix
CPR recertification class Aug. 9 at THS
CPR recertification class Aug. 9 at THS
Following are the TMS Bell Schedules for the 2021-2022 school year.
over 3 years ago, Barry Hendrix
Fifth Grade Bell Schedule 2021-2022
Sixth Grade Bell Schedule 2021-2022
Seventh-Eighth Grade Bell Schedule 2021-2022
Schedule Pick Up for all grades for the Thomasville Middle School will start tomorrow morning (Aug. 6) from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. and Monday morning (Aug. 9) from 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
over 3 years ago, Barry Hendrix
Here is the link to the TMS Virtual Orientation Video 2021-2022.
over 3 years ago, Barry Hendrix