The Wellness Committee of the Thomasville City Schools District will hold a meeting at 1:30 p.m. on March 31 in Thomasville High School's conference room. The purpose of the meeting is to review the wellness policy for physical activity and nutrition. Parents, students and members of the Thomasville community are encouraged to attend. If you would like to attend, email Emily Thornton, Child Nutrition Program Director, by March 28 at

USDA statement page 1

non discrimination page 2

non discrimination page 3

CNP collection of race data 7-8-24

Racial and Ethnicity Data Collection 8-17-23

Free summer meals

Summer Food Service Program

We’ve saved a place for you. Sit down and eat with us at Break for a Plate, where Alabama’s kids eat free – along with teens in our state – all summer while school is out. We have a table ready for you at a participating program site in your community. Just click on our Location Finder to see where your child or teen can continue to receive two free meals each day during the summer.

We encourage you to take the opportunity to provide your child or teen with free summer meals through the USDA Summer Food Service Program.



Thomasville City Schools will continue to provide free breakfast

to all students in the upcoming school year.

Child Nutrition Director

Emily Thornton

Emily Thornton
Child Nutrition Director 636-9955

  • My name is Emily Thornton. I am the Child Nutrition Director for Thomasville City Schools. I feel that the Child Nutrition Program is very important. "A hungry child will find it hard to concentrate on his/her education."

  • Each child has an account in the cafeterias. The student is given an identification number. When a parent sends money for meals the students' account is posted. Money for meals may be paid by the day, week, month, or year. When the student keys in his/her account number for each meal, his/her account will be credited. A daily history of transactions is maintained at each cafeteria office. You may feel free to check on your child's account.

  • Free and Reduced lunch forms are available at each school's main office.

Thomasville City Schools is concerned about the nutritious welfare of year round. To find the nearest location for nutritious summer meals in your area please access the www.breakforaplate website.

Then click on how to participate and it takes you to “Location Finder” where the Summer Food Service Program sites are listed by county. The link below takes you straight to the Location Finder.

Break for a Plate Alabama website 

Wellness Policy

Physical Activity and Nutrition Wellness Assessment