Thomasville City Board of Education 2025: (seated) Rita Nichols; Vickie Morris (Thomasville City Superintendent); and Tiffany Rodgers-Shamburger; (standing) Dwight Figgers; Taylor Williams; and Jim Davis.
Thomasville City Board of Education 2022-2023
Current Board Members 5-31-2022
Jim Davis - President - term of service 2020-2025
Dwight Figgers - term of service 2023-2028
Rita Nichols - term of service 2024-2029
Tiffany Rodgers-Shamburger - term of service 2022-2027
Taylor Williams - Vice President - term of service 2021-2026

The public has a right to observe school board meetings, but no absolute right to speak at them. School board policy permits the public to speak at board meetings with a seven working day advance notice in writing to the superintendent.
Any person or group desiring to be placed on the agenda shall file with the Superintendent, by twelve o'clock (12:00) noon at least seven (7) working days prior to a meeting, a request to be placed thereon. Such request shall contain the following information:
A. The name and address of the person making the request;
B. The organization or group, if any, represented;
C. Content of the information to be presented - if written material is to be passed out, a copy of such material shall accompany the request;
D. An estimate of the time necessary for such a discussion;
E. Specific action desired of the Thomasville City Board of Education.
The Board may, by a majority vote, have an item placed on the agenda which did not meet the time deadlines.
Any charges to be made against an individual shall be in affidavit form. If any information is to be presented in the form of a statement that might be considered derogatory or of a serious nature, such shall be presented in writing.
Board Meetings
All Thomasville City Board of Education meetings shall be open to the public, and all informal meetings and conferences involving School Board members shall be conducted as public meetings unless specifically exempted by Alabama Statutes. The School Board may take no official action at any time other than an official meeting.
I. Regular Thomasville City Board of Education meetings shall be established at the organizational meeting held in June. The regular meeting date may be changed by Board action at any previous meeting or at the direction of the Superintendent and/or Board President, provided that each member is notified. When a meeting date is changed, the Superintendent shall take appropriate action to inform the public.
A. Special meetings shall be held at the time designated by the Superintendent, Board President, or when called by a majority of the Thomasville City Board of Education members as specified in written notice.
B. Emergency meetings may be held at any time by the Superintendent, either upon his/her initiative or upon the Board President's request. An emergency meeting may be called, and the public shall be notified. Board members shall be given a tentative agenda during the notification.
II. Regular, special, and emergency meetings of the Thomasville City Board of Education shall be held in the regular Board meeting room, unless changed in the manner prescribed herein. Any regular or special meeting may be held at any other appropriate public place within the system by giving prior public notice.
III. All Thomasville City Board of Education meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. An official act of the Board shall require a majority vote of the total membership.
IV. Any item to be placed on the agenda of a regular Thomasville City Board of Education meeting shall be submitted in writing to the Superintendent's office no later than four o'clock (4:00 p.m.), seven (7) working days prior to the meeting at which consideration is desired. This rule shall not preclude the right of any citizen to address the Thomasville City Board of Education; however, except for good cause as provided herein, the Board shall not take action on any substantive proposal until such matter has been formally placed on the Board agenda. Copies of the tentative agenda for regular meetings shall be made available prior to the scheduled meeting. Copies of the agenda for a special meeting shall be prepared.
Thomasville City Board of Education - Terms of Office
The term of office of the members of the Thomasville City Board of Education shall be five (5) years. The term of office of one member shall expire annually so that not more than one (1) new member will be elected at any one (1) time.
Qualifications of Board Members
Many desirable characteristics are needed to be a Thomasville City Board of Education member, such as willingness to give time and effort; a belief in the spirit and need for public education; the ability to motivate other people; the capacity to understand people; the insight which is needed to work as a part of a cooperative body; and a devotion to the concept of a better society through education.
The following qualifications are legally required to become a member of the Thomasville City Board of Education:
I. The individual must be a resident of Thomasville City.
II. The individual shall not be employed by the Thomasville City School System.
III. The individual shall be considered to be of good character.
Filling of Unexpired Term
In the event a vacancy in the membership of the Board by resignation or otherwise, the fact shall be reported to the City Council by the Board, and the City Council shall elect a person to fill such vacancy before the expired term.
Method of Election
Thomasville City Board of Education members shall be elected annually at the regular meetings of the City Council in April. The said City Council shall elect a member or members of the Board of Education to succeed those whose term or terms of office expire that year.
Legal Counsel - Board
The School Board attorney, obtained from outside the Board's membership, shall act as legal advisor to the Thomasville City Board of Education and the Superintendent. When approved by the Board, special counsel may be retained to assist in any litigation or other matter.
The current board attorneys are Ryan Law and W. David Law of Tuscaloosa, Ala.