The THS JV boys basketball team lost 80-41 Jan. 7 at Jackson High School.
about 2 years ago, Barry Hendrix
ATTENTION: The THS wrestling date Jan. 10 in Gulf Shores has been cancelled.
about 2 years ago, Barry Hendrix
The THS basketball teams travel Jan. 7 to Jackson.
about 2 years ago, Barry Hendrix
The THS basketball teams travel Jan. 7 to Jackson.
Tutoring available beginning Jan. 17.
about 2 years ago, Barry Hendrix
Tutoring available beginning Jan. 17.
"Students of the Month" have been chosen for December 2022 at Thomasville High School: Madison Agee, 10th grade; Zach Johnson, 11th grade; and Marli Davis, 12th grade. Lyric Thompson, ninth grade, was not present.
about 2 years ago, Barry Hendrix
"Students of the Month" have been chosen for December 2022 at Thomasville High School: Madison Agee, 10th grade; Zach Johnson, 11th grade; and Marli Davis, 12th grade. Lyric Thompson, ninth grade, was not present.
Anna Lockett (left), library media specialist, has been chosen as the "Staff Member of the Month" for December 2022 at Thomasville High School. She is pictured with Charlotte Parker, THS Assistant Principal.
about 2 years ago, Barry Hendrix
Anna Lockett (left), library media specialist, has been chosen as the "Staff Member of the Month" for December 2022 at Thomasville High School. She is pictured with Charlotte Parker, THS Assistant Principal.
The THS varsity boys basketball team beat A.L. Johnson 61-34 Jan. 5 in the THS gym. Great defense played by the Tigers!
about 2 years ago, Barry Hendrix
The THS Lady Tigers basketball team beat A.L. Johnson 70-65 Jan. 5 in the THS gym. Great win for the Lady Tigers!
about 2 years ago, Barry Hendrix
The THS JV boys basketball team beat A.L. Johnson 46-16 Jan. 5 in the THS gym.
about 2 years ago, Barry Hendrix
Job opening for Child Nutrition Program Assistant at Thomasville High School. Application deadline: until filled.
about 2 years ago, Barry Hendrix
The THS basketball teams will host A.L. Johnson today, Jan. 5, at 4:30 p.m.
about 2 years ago, Barry Hendrix
THS basketball hosts A.L. Johnson today, Jan. 5, at 4:30 p.m.
THS Youth Soccer Camp will be held on Jan. 21 at D. F. Anderson Field.
about 2 years ago, Barry Hendrix
THS Youth Soccer Camp will be held on Jan. 21.
ATTENTION: the THS basketball game hosting Leroy has been rescheduled for Monday, Jan. 16 in the THS gym. Only the Lady Tigers and the varsity boys will play. The girls game will begin at 5 p.m.
about 2 years ago, Barry Hendrix
The THS basketball teams will host A.L. Johnson on Thursday, Jan. 5 in the THS gym. Tickets are available on or at the gate with credit/debit card.
about 2 years ago, Barry Hendrix
ATTENTION: Students return to class on Thursday, Jan. 5. Dress Code: Staff and administration at THS will be strictly enforcing the dress code beginning Thursday, Jan. 5. Be sure to read or see the Dress Code in the 22-23 Parent-Student Handbook. Items of extreme interest: No blankets, No slippers; No slides; jackets must be school colors or school related; and NO hats or hoodies (hood) on in the building. THS will also be enforcing the Cell Phone policy with NO cell phones or ear buds allowed in the classroom or hallways for ANY reason. These items are to be off and in backpacks or the teacher cell phone holder. Cell phones will be allowed in the cafeteria at breakfast, break, and Lunch ONLY.
about 2 years ago, Barry Hendrix
The THS basketball home game with Leroy today, Jan. 3 has been cancelled due to threat of severe weather. The game will be rescheduled.
about 2 years ago, Barry Hendrix
The THS Tigers wrestling team will travel Friday, Jan. 6, 2023, for Region Duals at Montevallo High School. The event begins at 5:30 p.m. Tickets are available at
about 2 years ago, Barry Hendrix
The three THS basketball teams will host Leroy on Tuesday, Jan. 3 in the THS gym. The JV boys game will begin at 4:30 p.m. Tickets are available at or at the gate with debit/credit card.
about 2 years ago, Barry Hendrix
A special called meeting of the Thomasville City Board of Education will be held at 5 p.m. on Jan. 5, 2023, in the THS library. The meeting is open to the public. A video of the meeting will be posted on the school system website on Jan. 6.
about 2 years ago, Barry Hendrix
The THS varsity boys basketball team lost 65-52 Dec. 30 at McIntosh. Tough road loss, but these Tigers don’t quit. Good things will come of the effort shown tonight.
about 2 years ago, Barry Hendrix