CACC Canvas login

CAACC Canvas Login

To login to your Coastal Alabama Canvas account:

  1. Click on the “Student Login” link at the top of the homepage – Then, click on Canvas. You will be taken to the Coastal Alabama Canvas login page.

  2. Enter your entire Coastal Alabama email address as your user ID. (Example:  You can find your Coastal Alabama e-mail address by logging in to the myCA Student Account.  

  3. For your password, enter the first two letters of your last name (first letter being capitalized) followed by your seven-digit student number. (Example: Joe Smith, Student# 1234567 – Password would be Sm1234567) 

If students don’t know their student email or student I.D, please let me know. Also, if students are having issues with their password, please have them email our Help Desk, , or give them a call at 251-580-4900


Student login link